Shape Editing Tips

Shape edited slabs are the foundation of modeling a landscape in Revit. And while they can be a bit tedious to model and grade, here are some tips and tricks that I have found that make the process a bit easier. And because there are always new things to discover about Revit, a couple of these I learned fairly recently.

1. Select points using the selection box method

  • This will reduce dragging errors that can happen from clicking on points
  • And makes it easier to grab multiple points

01_selection box

2. Use isolate element when creating Spots and Slopes to minimize tabbing/ snapping to the wrong element


3. Slopes on faces/surfaces can be unreliable

  • Pull slopes from edges whenever possible


4. Spot elevations created before Slab Shape is ‘activated’ are more ‘durable’

  • These annotations will not delete themselves when the Floor is reset or more points are added
  • Unfortunately, the same does not apply to Slopes (these will reset/delete regardless)


5. Points will snap to adjacent geometry if shape editing in a 3D view


6. Turn on Interior Edges when working and annotating to see how the floor triangulates (then turn them off before printing)

  • This will also allow you to add Spot Slopes along those edges, which is useful for figuring out cross slopes
  • This can be done in plan views and in 3D views – I find both can be useful.

06_interior edges

2 thoughts on “Shape Editing Tips

  1. Thanks for sharing this! We’re about to start up a big project in Revit and with so few resources about Revit for landscape architects your website is very helpful!

  2. Great tip and works great on floors that have no pattern assigned. Any tips on dealing with floors with multiple slopes & curves with model fill patterns assigned? Revit warps patterns on floors that have had points manually assigned and takes forever to manually rotate each triangulated area to align to a chosen orientation. I am thinking a dynamo might be the way to go but i am not a confident user of it at the moment.

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