How to Convert and Upgrade to Toposolids

With the advent of Toposolids, one of the first big questions that I have been working hard to fully understand and anticipate is what exactly happens if you have an ongoing project that you want to upgrade to Revit 2024?

I will say the answer will vary a bit depending on what sort of elements you typically use to model a site/landscape. But let’s dive in and take a look…

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Landform Update: New Topography Nodes

I am excited to announce that there are some new nodes in the latest Landform update. These nodes are written in C#, and if you are interested in taking a look at the source code, I also now have a repository for Landform on GitHub. Shout out to John, over at sixtysecondrevit and creator of Rhythm and Monocle, for getting me going on these.

Most of these new nodes are focused on editing Topography, which is something that I have always wanted to do in Dynamo.

Here are the six new Topo nodes:

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Make Hardscape Follow Topo Update

A little less than a year ago, I posted about how you can Make Hardscape Follow Topo with a very simple Dynamo definition. The main downside to this workflow is that it requires a corresponding Subregion with the same footprint as the Floor. Because it uses a Subregion to generate points, you also cannot control the amount of points that go into the Floor. But with a slightly more complicated definition, you can create the same result without a Subregion and even control how many points will modify the Floor.

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Create a Water Solid with Spring Nodes

Revit does not have any built-in tools for modeling water, though I have previously shown how you can Model Water with Topo. But this method is more of a workaround and it does not work particularly well in section.

Now with Dynamo geometry tools and a couple of nodes from Spring Nodes, you can create a solid water element that perfectly follows your Topography.

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