Landform Update: New Topography Nodes

I am excited to announce that there are some new nodes in the latest Landform update. These nodes are written in C#, and if you are interested in taking a look at the source code, I also now have a repository for Landform on GitHub. Shout out to John, over at sixtysecondrevit and creator of Rhythm and Monocle, for getting me going on these.

Most of these new nodes are focused on editing Topography, which is something that I have always wanted to do in Dynamo.

Here are the six new Topo nodes:

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Renumber Viewports with Dynamo

Since I have been doing a lot more documentation work in Revit these days, I have become significantly more interested in how Dynamo can automate certain documentation tasks. One task that can always drive me crazy (especially in Revit) is renumbering viewports on sheets.

There are several different ways you can renumber viewports. I decided to use a simple ‘pick’ method so I wouldn’t have to do any reordering in Dynamo. This method works well with Continue reading

AU2017 Proposals: Voting is Open

This past Wednesday was the deadline for submitting proposals for Autodesk University 2017. For the first time, Autodesk has introduced a voting process for all proposals, so anyone can go and vote on which proposals they would like to see at AU.

Here is the link to vote. And if you’re interested, here is my proposal:

Think Outside the Building: Practical Tips for Landscapes in Revit (plus Dynamo)


Seattle Dynamo User Group First Meeting

For anyone in the Seattle area, the Seattle Dynamo User Group is restarting and we will be having our first meeting next week. The meeting is Wednesday, April 5 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Affiliated Engineers (1601 5th Ave Ste 1400, Seattle, WA). Lunch will be provided, so be sure to RSVP on the MeetUp group page so that we can plan on having enough lunch.

This first meeting Continue reading