Seattle Dynamo User Group First Meeting

For anyone in the Seattle area, the Seattle Dynamo User Group is restarting and we will be having our first meeting next week. The meeting is Wednesday, April 5 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Affiliated Engineers (1601 5th Ave Ste 1400, Seattle, WA). Lunch will be provided, so be sure to RSVP on the MeetUp group page so that we can plan on having enough lunch.

This first meeting will be a bit more informal as we try and figure out what people are interested in about Dynamo and what sort of topics we would like to explore. Jay and I will each present a some simple but powerful workflows to get things started and then we will breakout and try and solve some Dynamo/Revit problems by working through some graphs in small groups.

So if you plan on attending, feel free to bring a laptop (with Revit and Dynamo installed) along with your Dynamo hopes and dreams. Hope to see you there!

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